Note from the Editor
Sam “no spell check” Willie, Senior Editor
Welcome to the new Robert E. McCabe magazine. Turmoil in the front office among senior editors and ownership has resulted in the reorganization of the magazine. At this time I would like to invite league members to submit articles, stories, previews, and stats, to be posted on the blog by sitemailing me the information you would like posted. One of the reasons I feel this is the very best Hard Ball Dynasty (HBD) world is our blog and member participation in all elements of the league. So please feel free to offer any materials and/or suggestions that will help McCabe magazine continue to be the finest blog on the HBD site.
As you can see we have a new look here at McCabe magazine. Across the top you’ll find an introduction and overview of the league from the commissioner Pat007ohmss. Along the side bar you will find all past World Series Champions, current career stat leaders, and my profile.
Finally, I would like to thank the commissioner for his support of the blog and a very special thanks to the king of the blog and the person who helps make this league what it is today, madmuldoon. Mad, your humor and dedication to the blog will be truly missed. For those of you who are wondering about the where of bouts of madmuldoon, he was last seen on surveillance video outside a liquor store in the Afghanistan city Jalalabad. Rumor has it that the commissioner arranged a meeting for mad to interview a power hitting shortstop playing for a middle-eastern minor league club called the Taliban. The interview was to air on MLB network during the All-Star break. According to the film crew, mad never showed for a production meeting and has been missing since that time. The state department will not confirm or deny knowledge of the missing person incident. We here at McCabe magazine pray for his safe return. Mad, if you are reading this note from the editor please come back, season 16 will not be the same without you.
Thanks everyone for all you do and enjoy.
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